Indian mobile manufacturer now launches its new smartphone in India, named as Karbonn Smart A12 and priced at Rs. 7,699. It is a Dual-SIM (GSM + GSM) smartphone. It come with 4.5-Inch FWVGA capacitive multi-touch screen with qHD 960 x 540 pixel screen resolution.It runs on Googl's Android v4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) operating system and powered by 1.5 GHz processor and 512 MB RAM.
Smart A12 built-in with dual-cameras, 5.0 Megapixel rear shooter and 0.3 Megapixel front facing camera. Its rear camera built in with Auto focus, LED flash light, 854 x 450 pixel video recording features. This smartphone sports 4 GB internal storage space for storage needs and it expandable up to 32 GB via MicroSD card slot.
Smart A12 get power from a 1800 mAh rechargeable battery. This smartphone offers connectivity options through 3G, EDGE, Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n), WAP, USB, GPS (with Google maps), and Bluetooth (with A2DP profile). The device loaded with some business features including Document Viewer, Document Editor, Kingsoft Office, and Outlook.
For entertainment needs it has a video player, audio player, FM radio with recording, and super games including Angry birds game. Light, Proximity, and G-sensors enabled. This smartphone pre-loaded with some apps, such as Skype, Google Talk, Google Play Store, WhatsApp, Google Plus, Gmail, Facebook, YouTube, News, Weather, Saavn, and Google Apps.
Karbonn Smart A12 Features
- Dual SIM support (GSM + GSM)
- Android v4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) operating system
- 1.0 GHz processor
- 4.5-Inch FWVGA capacitive multi-touch screen
- 512 MB RAM
- 4 GB internal storage space, Expandable up to 32 GB via MicroSD card slot
- 5 MP rear Camera
- Front camera
- FM Radio with Recording
- 3G, EDGE, Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n), WAP, USB, GPS (with Google maps), and Bluetooth (with A2DP profile)
- 1800 mAh rechargeable battery