1. Candidates must be in possession of their Admission Tickets when they are attending the practical and written Examinations.
2. They must write the name of examination, the year and month of exam, register number and subject only on the facing sheet of the answer book.
3. No candidate who arrives more than 30 minutes late in the Examination Hall will be permitted to attend the Examination.
4. If graph paper, drawing paper, Map etc., are supplied, they must securely be attached to the answer book with the candidates register number duly entered on them. The register number should be written towards the top of every additional sheet used. The total number of additional sheets used should be noted on the top of the facing sheet of the answer book.
5. Candidates should use the same ink throughout one session.
6. Malpractice in any form will strictly be dealt with
SSLC Examination Time Table 2017
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