How to download your pictures and data from Orkut

Orkut is the Google's first social media website. The Orkut was born on 2004 and it becomes very popular but after 2011 it's popularity goes down and other social medias like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc becomes social media kings. So Google deside to shut down Orkut services on 01-10-2014 (today). This post shows you How to backup your data and images from Orkut.

Steps to backup orkut data

1. Go to: & Click on "Next" Button. 

2. Now your data redy for archive. Click on the "Create Archive" button.

3. Now your data ready for download. Click on the "Download" Button.

Your Data's including Posts, Scraps, Profile Info, and images may start download as Zip file. You can extract it after download may complete successfully.

Video Tutorial by TeccPlus


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