Peruchazhi is an upcoming Malayalam comedy film directed and written by Arun Vaidyanathan, staring Mohanlal, Mukesh, Baburaj, Vijay Babu, Ragini Nandwani, Sandra Thomas, Poonam Bajwa, Shankar Ramakrishnan, Delhi Ganesh, Sean James Sutton, Ramesh Pisharody, Aneesh Menon, Ashvin Mathew, etc. The movie produced by Vijay Babu, and Sandra Thomas. Expected release 29 August 2014.
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Director:- Arun Vaidyanathan
Producer:- Vijay Babu, Sandra Thomas
Starring:- Mohanlal, Mukesh, Baburaj, Vijay Babu, Ragini Nandwani, Sandra Thomas, Poonam Bajwa, Shankar Ramakrishnan, Delhi Ganesh, Sean James Sutton, Ramesh Pisharody, Aneesh Menon, Ashvin Mathew
Exp Release: 29-Aug-2014
Tags:- Peruchazhi Official Trailer, Peruchazhi Malayalam Movie Official Trailer, Peruchazhi trailer, Peruchazhi Malayalam Movie release date, Peruchazhi Movie Songs, Watch Peruchazhi Movie Trailer, Peruchazhi Full Movie, Peruchazhi Full Movie songs
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